They're good, aren't they?" She asked. He said nothing, nodded his head and raised his eyebrows. She gave him the left earpiece so he could clearly hear both channels. She smiled at him. He was just staring at her blankly, completely uninterested of what he's hearing. He found the music too loud and whiny. He's thinks of himself as a connouisseur when it comes to choosing music. Finally, he smiled back as if it is a sign of approval. She smiled again and uttered, "I told you so!" Her hair fell on her face. Her eyes were brown and beautiful that it's almost unfair. He was left transfixed. Completely dismissing the thought, he thought of a way to get rid of the annoying noise on his ears. "I need to go to the restroom." He alibied.
He never really appreciate those times. Sometimes, he even hated it. He doesn't appreciate the air of conversation with her because she's so wide-eyed. Some thought it was cute, he didn't. He was way too serious. It even crossed a point where he's completely convinced that she's that stupid.
He took conversations with her lightly and nonchalantly. Despite this, he stayed and went out with her. He listened. Being the patient person that he is, he did listen. She talked about her failed relationships, which always, always throws him off. "Does it look like I give a fuck?" He always thought. He wished she just talked about how wide she can spread her legs, or, whatever. Apparently, he gives a fuck.
There was one time that he actually did pay attention talking to her. It was about how they want to end up life-wise. Personally, he don't know what he really wanted to be. The only thing he daydreamed of is how's he going to die.
"I want twins, a boy and a girl so my wife will only have to do it once. And then a house by the beach. I'd love a big window and a grand piano inside so I can play while the moon is watching over me."
He chose his words very carefully and thought, "Hey, that wasn't a bad dream at all." From then on, he decided that that was his dream.
"That's nice" She said dispassionately then quickly went to her list of dreams.
"I want a boy and a girl too. I'll live somewhere, not in this crappy country."
"What about the people you'll leave here?" He intervened.
"No, I won't forget them." His question left unanswered, she went on.
She went on. His attention slowly faded. He even thought that she was "outdreaming" him. As the "nonsense" begin their way out of her red lips, he again, wished she was just talking about how wide she can spread her legs, or, whatever.
But he won't forget that conversation. He thinks he was too old for that kind of talk. He actually built dreams. And it was with her. She was the first to hear it.
He's knows he's "one of the many" lined up. But he's "one of the few" to listen, and actually get along with her. She calls, she talks, he's always free. He don't think any of his advances were acknowledged, or even noticed. He's completely fine with that. He knows that time will come where she can finally make up her mind.
If she even wanted him.
Or maybe, she can finally talk about how wide she can, um, spread her legs, or, whatever.
Being the man on the side sucks. Sucks painfully hard.
The man on the side is a pervert. But no, not really.
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